--> Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds
Random Quotes from the HMC Board

"Remember the Titans is a LOAD OF CRAP!"

"Feigenbaum? I thought Butters was...oh wait,that's Professor Chaos...my bad."

"Irony: Like "woody" but harder and colder."

"Arrogance: To a have pole shoved up ones ass."

"psh..YOU didn't like Spidey 2. You're opinion's not valid."

"You're starting to love everybody. I like thinking of you as the Anti-Christ."

"The Anti-Christ with the J.Lo ass!"

"Since when did HMC become a dating service?"

"Honestly, what kind of fucking post is that?!!!"

"Lengthy flights suck monkey butts."

"aaah someone's been smoking from the private stash again!"

"Were you in Canada this weekend? Becauser I swear that I saw someone who looked JUST like you at a waterpark yesterday." "Hmmm, from that angle you look like a younger version of John Kerry."

"Does stalking include fuzzy handcuffs, whipped cream, a feather, and sexy silk pj's count?"